How does the Bendix on a starter work?

May 2024 · 2 minute read

The starter motor itself has a device, called a Bendix gear, which engages its pinion with the gear ring on the flywheel only while the starter is turning the engine. It disengages as soon as the engine picks up speed, and there are two ways by which it does so – the inertia system and the pre-engaged system.Click to see full answer. Consequently, what is a Bendix on a starter?A Bendix drive is a type of engagement mechanism used in starter motors of internal combustion engines. The device allows the pinion gear of the starter motor to engage or disengage the flywheel of the engine automatically when the starter is powered or when the engine fires, respectively.Similarly, how do I know if my starter Bendix is bad? Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Starter The engine won’t turn over and vehicle won’t start. Starter engages but doesn’t spin the motor. Sporadic starting issues. Grinding noise when trying to start the motor. Interior lights dim when starting the car. Smell or see smoke when starting the motor. Similarly, how do you fix a Bendix in a starter? Replacing the Bendix on a pre-engaged starter motor Use a pulling tool to remove the thrust collar. Tap this type of collar down with a piece of piping used as a drift. Remove the jump ring with a screwdriver. A purpose-made Bendix spring compressor can be used to free the circlip. How does a starter drive work?When you turn the ignition switch, the starter motor is energized, and the electromagnet inside the body engages. This pushes out a rod to which the pinion gear is attached. The gear meets the flywheel, and the starter turns. This spins the engine over, sucking in air (as well as fuel).
