Martin Scorsese Wife: Who Is Helen Morris?

May 2024 · 1 minute read

Martin Scorsese is a famous American film director, producer, screenwriter, and film historian.

Martin Scorsese is widely regarded as one of the greatest directors of all time and is best known for films such as “Taxi Driver,” “Raging Bull,” “Goodfellas,” “The Departed,” and “Hugo.”

He has won numerous awards for his work, including the Golden Globe for Best Director for “The Departed.”

Martin Scorsese’s career as a film director started in the late 1960s. He made his feature film debut with the film “Who’s That Knocking at My Door” in 1967.

He went on to direct several more films in the 1970s, including “Mean Streets,” “Taxi Driver,” and “Raging Bull,” which established him as one of the leading voices of the American New Wave movement.

Scorsese continued to direct critically acclaimed films throughout his career and remains an active filmmaker today.

Martin Scorsese Wife: Who Is Helen Morris?

Martin Scorsese has been married five times. His first marriage was to Laraine Marie Brennan from 1965 to 1971.

He then married Julia Cameron from 1976 to 1977. He was married to Isabella Rossellini from 1979 to 1982.

Martin Scorsese was married to Barbara De Fina from 1985 to 1991. He has been married to Helen Morris since 1999.

