May 2024 · 2 minute read

Millennials have been stereotyped as narcissistic, self-involved, lazy, and always oversharing. Stereotypes don’t always paint a true picture of anyone, even an entire generation. However, here are six stereotypes that peg millennial mom’s spot on.

1. They are addicted to their phones

There is rarely a moment when a millennial mom does not have her trusty smart phone in hand!

2. They are addicted to social media

Millennial moms believe in sharing. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and beyond are not safe from the oversharing that goes on.

3. They are addicted to taking pictures

Millennial moms love to snap pics! From selfies with baby to screenshots of random memes and beyond. It wouldn’t be unusual to see a millennial mom phone with over 11K photos or more saved to send and share.

4. They schedule way too many activities

Tennis, hockey, martial arts, piano lessons, soccer, basketball, cheerleading…the millennial mom has them all on her “to-do” schedule. The kids are exposed to it all. Sometimes when it gets to be way too much, they do cut back during the week but then the weekend kicks-in!

5. They are kid-centric

Everything that they do, is for the kids. Multiple jobs, activism, etc. etc., the millennial mom is always wanting to be with her kids and make the world a better place for them.

6. They support participation trophies

You get a trophy, you get a trophy, you get a trophy, everyone gets a trophy…is definitely the credo of the millennial sports mom. If everyone participates, win or loose, the millennial mom wants to make sure they get the praise that they deserve.
