Why Hollywood Can't Stand Will And Jada Pinkett Smith

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Jaden Smith's outlandish behavior certainly isn't helping with his mom and dad's reputation in Hollywood circles. Despite a hit-and-miss record in his short career as an actor, the home-schooled young man has already irked movie makers and fans alike by declaring himself the future of filmmaking in one of his many bizarre Tweets. Jaden's online output has been both a source of entertainment and a cause for concern, with his cryptic comments about the world around him bordering on delusional at times: "There Is No Nutrients In Our Food Anymore Or In Our Soil OR IN OUR WATER," is a perfect example.

Tweets are one thing, but when given the chance to exceed 140 characters, Jaden really lets loose. In an interview with GQ magazine, the eldest of the two Smith children revealed that he had started an initiative called Mystery School, inspired by the secretive work of ancient scholars. "Plato, Pythagoras, all these students had mystery schools. And what they learned in there was sacred... Like, you couldn't say the word 'dodecahedron,' which is just a shape, outside of one of the mystery schools or they would, like, kill you or whatever. Because it was such a sacred shape."

In the same interview, he referred to himself as a "scientist" and claimed that all of his past antics had been part of a large-scale social experiment (though it seems like the only thing he is truly experimenting with is the longevity of his parents' careers.) Even Will admitted (via Vanity Fair) that he and Jada "might have gone too far" with their lenient approach to parenting, but then backtracked and called Jaden's behavior "100 percent fearless."
