New England staple and legendary basketball player Mike Yagmin Obituary and Funeral

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Mike Yagmin, a longtime grassroots scout for New England, tragically passed away.

He was frequently spotted at his trademark baseline corner position at all significant New England prep or AAU events, earning him the nickname “Yags” from many.

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@Marcus14__ Marcus Santos-Silva
Oh god, this one hurts. Always encouraged me to let the beast out during my games, and my dad and I would have enjoyable chats. Yagmin was a terrific guy, and the basketball world adored him. He undoubtedly benefited a lot of people, including me.

Please remember him and his family in your prayers and thoughts. Numerous tweets sent out today demonstrate how widely felt his impact was.

Obituary And Burial Arrangements

The funeral arrangements will be revealed by the family. The family and loved ones will share details about the obituary, funeral, and life celebration at the appropriate time. We will do our best to keep you updated on them.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the deceased’s family and friends, who have been struggling with the loss of such an intelligent and compassionate individual.

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