Who Is Larry Ray? Everything to Know About the Sarah Lawrence Sex Cult Leader

May 2024 · 9 minute read

Lawrence “Larry” Beam is ordinarily known as the head of the Sarah Lawrence “sex faction,” however U.S. Lawyer Damian Williams portrayed him in a lot starker terms.

“A long time back, Larry Beam moved into his girl’s apartment at Sarah Lawrence school,” Williams said in an April 2022 proclamation. “What’s more, when he arrived, he met a gathering of companions who had a long and promising lives to look forward to. For the following ten years, he utilized viciousness, dangers and mental maltreatment to attempt to control and annihilate their lives. He took advantage of them. He threatened them. He tormented them. Allow me to be extremely clear. Larry Beam is a hunter. An abhorrent man who did malicious things.”

Beam was sentenced for 15 crook counts, with charges including sex dealing, coercion and racketeering trick, subsequent to moving into his little girl’s residence at Sarah Lawrence School and mentally, truly and physically manhandling a few of her cohorts and different colleagues throughout almost 10 years and in three distinct states. Beam apparently constrained a few casualties into prostitution, took steps to dissect another, and recorded pressured and bogus admissions from each confessing to violations and offenses that they won’t ever commit.

In January 2023, Beam was condemned to 60 years in jail, with the adjudicator for the situation praising Beam’s casualties’ boldness to confront their victimizer in court.

The story previously broke in The Cut, which ignited a police examination concerning the claims against Beam, and has been the subject of Regulation and Wrongdoing’s “Demon in the Quarters” webcast and the Hulu docuseries Taken Youth: Inside the Faction at Sarah Lawrence. Here’s beginning and end to be familiar with Larry Beam and his upsetting wrongdoings.

Beam has establishes in New York City Lawrence “Larry” Beam, who was otherwise called Lawrence Grecco, was born in the Narrows Edge neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. He dealt with Money Road during the 1980s, and furthermore as a specialist for different enterprises, New York Magazine reports, including protection, development and betting. He doesn’t have a professional education.

He served in the military momentarily Beam served in the military, yet not for a really long time. The Cut reports that Beam served a sum of only 19 days in the US Flying corps, yet that he kept in touch with unmistakable military authorities, including Marine General Charles Pitman and resigned Marine Commandant General James L. Jones.

Beam additionally professed to have worked for the CIA, however there is no proof that he was at any point utilized as a knowledge specialist for the US government in any branch.

Beam was instrumental in the defeat of a New York City police magistrate The New York Times reports that Beam possessed bars and clubs in New Jersey during the 1980s, remembering one called Club Malibu and JJ Rockers for Scotch Fields. During his residency with the settings, Beam met various lawmakers from New Jersey and New York and got to know Bernard Kerik, with whom he worked out and rode cruisers.

In 1998, Kerik was named chief of the New York Branch of Revisions, and that November, Beam was the best man in Kerik’s wedding, for which Beam and his accomplice in Club Malibu helped pay. In 1999, Beam acquainted Kerik with Frank DiTommaso of the Highway Modern Partnership, where Beam filled in as a security specialist.

DiTommaso recruited Kerik’s brother for a situation in a connected organization, Highway Materials, The New York Times revealed, and gave Kerik $165,000 in unlawful free redesigns to his Bronx condo. The embarrassment encompassing the remodels drove Kerik, who was named New York City Police Chief in 2000, to pull out his designation as the Secretary of Country Security in 2004.

Beam purportedly helped out examiners investigating Kerik’s dealings with DiTommaso, and in 2006, Kerik conceded to wrongdoing accusations of tolerating unlawful gifts and neglecting to report a credit; after three years, he would likewise confess to government charge extortion and offering misleading expressions to authorities. Then, at that point President Donald Trump later absolved Kerik.

As well as helping out examiners into Kerik’s case, Beam likewise supported criminal examinations concerning DiTommaso, affirming against the worker for hire in a 2012 prevarication preliminary. In reprisal, Beam was seriously beaten by DiTommaso, bringing about neurological harm.

In September 2015, DiTommaso should be visible on record (by means of The New York Everyday News) punching and beating Beam in the anteroom of the now-outdated Hudson Inn in New York City. DiTommaso was subsequently accused of crime attack; Beam’s lawyer said that his client experienced a skull crack and long-lasting neurological and discourse issues following the assault. Examiners dropped the charge to a crime and, in 2017, DiTommaso concede to scattered lead and was condemned to one day of outrage the executives.

He was recently indicted for extortion Before Kerik’s own dread and conviction, Kerik acquainted Beam with FBI specialist Gary Uher. Beam vowed to go about as a source for Uher on a “siphon and dump” conspire attached to Eddie Garafola, a capo in the Gambino wrongdoing family, The Cut detailed. Uher met with Beam a few times each week, and, accepting he might be at risk for a Mafia hit, the FBI introduced a $10,000 security framework in Beam’s home.

Be that as it may, rather than going about as a source, Beam purportedly was attempting to cover his own contribution in a similar plan. He and 19 others were accused of protections misrepresentation after he offered a $100,000 pay off for Garafola’s benefit. In 2003, he was condemned to five years probation.

Find out how Lawrence “Larry” Ray was able to manipulate and extort his daughter’s friends into prostitution. https://t.co/TnmiJJErVS

— Parade Mag (@ParadeMagazine) February 9, 2023

He professed to have supported a truce in Kosovo As per The Washington Post, Beam professed to have been a central participant in some international strategy choices. In court records got by the power source, Beam had a letter from NATO communicating appreciation for Beam’s “endeavors to guarantee great correspondence and understanding among ourselves and the Russian administration” as to finishing the bombarding in Kosovo.

Nonetheless, Chris Donnelly, the NATO official who composed the letter, minimized Beam’s expected job, telling The Cut, “I recollect him being near. He was associated and may have settled on certain decisions for us, as numerous others did at that point. I composed a letter for anybody who was involved.”

Beam credits himself for a gathering between Mikhail Gorbachev and Rudy Giuliani Beam supposedly got to know Soviet Association pioneer Mikhail Gorbachev’s mediator, Pavel Palazhchenko. He guaranteed he organized a gathering between then-New York City Chairman Rudy Giuliani and Gorbachev in December 1997, saying Kerik mentioned the get-together.

“Right away, I let him know it was absolutely impossible,” Beam told The Washington Post. “Gorbachev met world pioneers, not city chairmen. Be that as it may, Bernie continued to demand, and in the long run I got it going.” Beam didn’t simply connect Gorbachev with Giuliani. The Cut reports that he additionally acquainted him with Robert De Niro in Los Angeles.

He had a sharp separation from his girl Talia’s mom In 2004, Beam’s significant other, Teresa Beam, petitioned for legal separation from Beam and considered the police, asserting that he hit her, The Cut revealed. At the point when police showed up, Beam and Talia blamed Teresa for mishandling the kids, and Beam was conceded impermanent care of the young ladies. The neighborhood police division apparently got various mysterious grievances of Teresa’s family members manhandling the young ladies, and Beam purportedly composed online journals itemizing misuse, with some professing to be composed by Talia. Specialists tracked down no proof that Teresa, nor anybody in her family, mishandled the young ladies, and a criminological inspector verified that Beam trained his girls on what to tell specialists to blame their mom for offense.

Following quite a while of fighting for guardianship of their little girls, Beam was accused of impedance with kid care, bail hopping and hatred of court after he would not give his girls to a maternal auntie for a Thanksgiving visit in 2005. He confessed to the charges in 2010, The Star-Record detailed, and burned through a half year in prison for the offenses. Talia decided to live in youth protects, The Cut reports, rather than with her mom.

Beam put each of his lawful issues on government schemes In 2006, Beam was captured after a sweetheart called police and denounced him detaining her in their condo, nailing her down and putting his hand over her mouth and nose, causing breathing trouble. The case was excused when his better half declined to squeeze charges.

Beam guaranteed that his abusive behavior at home capture, the whole guardianship case and the protections extortion cases were all the consequence of an immense connivance attached to Kerik. On occasion, Beam asserted that Kerik looked for vengeance for Beam’s participation with debasement requests against Kerik, while different times he claimed that previous President George W. Shrubbery, previous VP Dick Cheney and Giuliani looked to quiet him since he knew a lot about the Sept. 11, 2001, dread assaults.

The abusive behavior at home occurrence was viewed as a probation infringement, driving police to capture Beam in 2007 with his girl Talia in a similar room. At that point, he supposedly accused “police debasement” for his lawful difficulties.

He was determined to have behavioral conditions As per New York Magazine, Beam was determined to have theatrical and self-absorbed behavioral conditions, refering to a report from his guard group that guaranteed Beam “has qualities that are firmly reminiscent of pseudologia fantastica, or Munchausen’s issue.”

A mental inspector’s notes from Beam’s care fight with his ex case that Beam “can control and control practically any circumstance in which he tracks down himself, incorporating a mental meeting with a scientific analyst, regardless of how encountered that inspector might be. Mr. Beam is generally excellent at what he does … [Lawrence] can be completely enchanting and one can be incapacitated by his innocent effortlessness and grin. Yet, Mr. Beam is no kid; he is a working out, manipulative, and unfriendly man.”

Beam moved in with his little girl Talia at Sarah Lawrence when he left jail Subsequent to spending time in jail for the probation infringement attached to the securit
